

I provide regular briefings, topic papers and think-pieces which relate to the sector.

The more recent ones are downloadable as pdf files here:

If you have any questions about the topics covered in these briefings, or if there are any topics which you’d like to see covered, please let me know.

Devolved arrangements

To support participants on the AUA Postgraduate Certificate, and as a general resource for those working in higher education, I am developing a summary of the different arrangements for higher education in the UK's four nations. 

The 18 August 2016 draft is here; comments are welcome!

Framework for Service Quality

I am developing a framework to enable the measurement and development of service quality in higher education. I'm working out loud - sharing drafts and inviting comments to improve this. I'm hoping that the framework will develop into a useful resource for anyone in the sector. Here are the related documents:



All briefings are copyright Hugh Jones Consulting

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